Religious Education

Our College promotes a faith-centred approach to life and encourages every student to deepen their knowledge and love of God and others, as revealed in Jesus Christ.

 Religious Education explores students’ life experiences and encourages students to understand themselves and the world in which they live through a worldview informed by Church teachings, Scripture and tradition.

Students are invited to develop an understanding and appreciation of Catholic beliefs and traditions, especially through the study of Scripture. All students complete a quality program of studies in Religious Education in each year at the College from Year 7 to Year 12 inclusive. The Religious Education curriculum for Years 7 to 12 is designed to enable students to:

  • Develop an understanding and appreciation of Catholic beliefs and traditions, especially through the study of Scripture. All students complete a quality program of studies in Religious Education each year at the College from Year 7 to Year 12 inclusive.
  • Utilise opportunities to explore, nurture and develop their personal faith, by considering the role of prayer in their lives and participating in a variety of prayer and liturgical experiences.
  • Reflect on their life experience and on their physical, emotional, intellectual and spiritual development, so as to promote the growth of the whole person.
  • Make connections between their life experience and the Christian story
  • Develop the understanding and skills needed to make informed decisions about moral issues in the light of Christian values.
  • Consider the place of religion in our society, and come to understand more about other faith traditions, in preparation for living life as responsible and respectful citizens.
  • Participate in activities of service, developing a responsible approach to social justice within the College and the wider community.

Years 7 and 8

Students study the Religious Education curriculum of the Diocese of Sale, ‘To live in Christ Jesus’. This curriculum has four content strands; The Triune God; The Life and Mission of Jesus; Sacramental Church and Christian Life and Catholic Social Teaching. Students are assessed on their knowledge of the units studied.

Years 9 and 10

Students continue their studies in Religious Education in accordance with the ‘To live in Christ Jesus’ curriculum. The study of Religious Education at Year 10 also includes an option of completing an ‘Introduction to Youth Ministry’ Unit. Students in Year 10 participate in a single day retreat experience.

Year 11

Students complete one compulsory VCE units:

  • Religion in Society Unit 1

Year 12

Students select one of two options:

  • VCE Religion and Society Units 3 and 4
  • VCE Religion and Society Unit 2

All Year 11 and 12 Students also have regular opportunities to participate in prayer and reflection activities, including participation in compulsory residential retreats in both Year 11 and Year 12.
