All members of the school community at Mary MacKillop Catholic Regional College have a part to play in the Whole School Approach to Positive Behaviour Support. Where all members work collaboratively each child and young person has the opportunity to fully participate, engage in the process of schooling and
become a successful learner.
The characteristics of a whole school positive behaviour approach include prevention, instruction, use
of evidence-based practices and utilise data for decision-making.
The principles underpinning the positive behaviour approach promote high expectations for all students
in catholic schools through the understanding that:
- Students are central to all decision-making and action
- The safety of all students is a priority
- A culture of learning is prioritised
- Expert teacher practice is critical to student learning success
- Expert teaching practices are evidenced-based
- Leadership around well-being and child safety is committed and provides clear direction
- Mary MacKillop Catholic Regional College welcomes working in partnership with parents.
School Wide Expectations
Mary MacKillop Catholic Regional College believes in fostering an environment where every member of our College community feels safe, respected, and empowered to excel. Our School Wide Expectations are essential in shaping the kind and inclusive of community we want to be. These expectations are Responsibility, Respect, Courage, and Wisdom.